Jul. 14th Properly Protecting Your Car’s Engine
Engine Repair Murfreesboro, TN
It’s no secret that most drivers don’t pay attention to their car’s engine until they hear it make unusual noises or experience strange vibrations. Due to this lack of awareness, if there is something wrong with our car’s engine, we don’t address the problem until the very last minute. And we all know that last minute repairs can be some of the most expensive repairs. It’s essential that we take good care of our engines, for they will allow our car to function properly–providing us with long-term driving capabilities. Engines always need to be looked after and taken to the mechanics for a routine check-up and regular maintenance. If you need engine repair in Murfreesboro, TN, contact Murfreesboro Auto Repair today. Our ASE certified technicians specialize in engines. Whether you need a tune-up, oil change or engine repair, we want to be your trusted neighborhood auto mechanic. Come see why so many people recommend us!
To better assist you in taking proper care of your car’s engine, here are a few tips and tricks to follow that are protective and proactive:
- Always Get Oil Changes Regularly: A regular oil change is the key to a smooth-running engine. Clean engine oil helps to keep your engine well lubricated and safe from overheating. When taking your car in for an oil change in Murfreesboro, TN, most likely, your auto mechanic will place a sticker on your windshield that specifies the mileage and date in which you should schedule another oil change. Always pay attention to the sticker! Even if the date comes before you’ve reached the specified mileage, take your car in anyway. If you go too long between oil changes, you are risking permanent damage to your engine.
- Replace Oil Filters When Needed: While receiving regular oil changes is excellent for your engine, it won’t do it any good if you have old and dirty oil filters. Oil filters are designed to trap any dirt and debris that floats around the engine, preventing it from being circulated through the engine. Oil filters that are in good condition will aid in keeping your engine cool, lubricated, and properly running.
- Keep Your Eye Out For Leaks: It’s very easy to spot a leak in your car, and the two biggest things you never want to leak is your engine oil and antifreeze. Over time, high levels of heat can wear down the rubber hoses within your engine–resulting in leaks. So, every now and again, check under your hood and make sure you don’t see anything suspicious or smell any unusual odors emitting from and around the engine.
- Make Sure Your Belts Are In Good Condition: The belts of your engine work to run the fan, water pump, air conditioner, and alternator. When your engine is on, the belts are running which means that the belts get a lot of use. Although they are designed for long-lasting use, if they start to show signs of cracking, it might be time to replace them before they break. A broken belt–especially when driving–can cause severe damage to your engine. To prevent this outcome, it’s important to check the condition of your belts on a regular basis.
If you use these tips and tricks to your advantage, your engine is guaranteed to run better and last longer. Not to mention, taking proper care of your engine will help you save money in the long run.